
教授真有效率,我今天一早趕出來的兩頁報告,今天上課她就發回來了。This assignment 是要寫一篇自傳,內容必須涉及文化,我節取這篇自傳的部份內容是為了要傳達身為台灣人的自我認同不足和在德州讀書還要被邊緣化的悲哀。

A Taiwanese with Chinese Mindset

I was born in Taiwan, but I am influenced by Chinese Culture. Both of my grandparents came from Mainland China in 1949. They carry out the Chinese and Confucian value in their life. I also adopt the philosophy of ”I am a Chinese, but was born in Taiwan.” The only conflict I had was most of my classmates in elementary school spoke Taiwanese. I remember vividly the first Taiwanese I picked up was dirty words. It struck my friends, and they told me it was not appropriate and polite to say those words.
[教授: 語言就是如此習得的]

Because Taiwan has complex historical, geographical, cultural, social, and political circumstances with China, Taiwanese people face the dilemma of confused national-identity in the world. Take my personal experiences as an example; I grew up in the Chinese cultural which both of my grandparents from China. I categorize myself as the third descendants of people who emigrated from Mainland China during the Chinese Civil War.
I speak Mandarin, adopt Chinese heritage, and appreciate Taiwanese values and customs. However, as a student who is studying and living in the outside of Taiwan, I feel difficult to describe my double identities (identify myself as both Taiwanese and Chinese) with people in the USA.

I received my Master degree and the AMS Montessori certificate in Oklahoma. I feel I have more cultural shock now I study in Texas, College Station than when I first came to the US in 2003. Even though the geographical location of Oklahoma and Texas is connected with each other, I still can feel the big differences between these two states. What I experience is although there is enough amount diverse groups in Texas, most residents of Texas do not have sufficient multicultural perspectives. They hold their traditions, political correctness, and attitudes tightly.

The subject of culture is not constructed as systemic as other domains, such as mathematics, languages, and physics. That is the reason why the subject matter of culture attracts me. In addition, I am still learning from it by immersing myself in different fields which related to the cultural issues. I also hope I can be open-minded to adjust myself for my study life in Texas.
[教授: 我相信妳能!]

[photo: TAMU 教育大樓 Harrington Education Center]

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